Exploring CQL Support in SDC Questionnaires and Potential for Executing CQL in the Browser

So, I have a bunch of projects currently sitting in independent github repositories deployed to random places that I am trying to get organized in one place. The goal is to eventually migrate them to this website, but in the meantime I’ll write short posts about them and link to the repositories.

One I’ve been meaning to share was the output of a project I worked on last year when I was a medical student rotating at NIH/LHC FHIR tools team. During the first two weeks of this rotation, I worked on a project to explore the feasibility of adding support for CQL language execution in FHIR Questionnaires (and eventually to lforms), enabling the execution of user-provided CQL expressions and libraries within questionnaires in the browser. Enabling this would allow for the creation of dynamic forms that can calculate the values of items in a form based on user-provided CQL expressions and libraries.

Until I have the time to migrate the code here, I’ll just link to the live demo: https://cfu288.github.io/cql-lforms-proposal/